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#2 How to plan and create IT services // Lean Startup, MVP, PMF, AARRR, Growth Hacking, North Star Metric, Agile Methodolgy

by 'here' 2023. 6. 27.

[Part 1] Zero to One, Software Development

1. When creating a new service

If any problems are found in the product direction during this process, the company must conduct a pivot.
∙ Lean start-up: minimizing waste during the manufacturing process

2. Minimum Viable Product(MVP)

Start with MVP (Minimum Viable Product), verify ideas, and develop them
    - Quickly implement and test only key features
    - MVP ≠ low-quality product (must be as good as the features it has)
    - Do they really need our product?
    - Confirm PMF with MVP (a deliberate attempt to know the market and customers)
      ▷ Prove your ideas to the market
From Prototype to MVP

3. Product Market Fit(PMF)

: The extent to which the market and customers need our product (service)

Products that have reached the stage of rapid self-growth (Exponential Organic Growth)
    ▷ Matching PMF with MVP is a method more suitable for IT products (services) produced based on software

4. How to check PMF

① Net Promoter Score(NPS)

    - Ratio of recommended (9-10) customers / Ratio of non-recommended (0-6) customers
    - Let us know how satisfied our users are with our product
    - Simple and easy to measure
    - In the beginning, 10 recommended customers are much more valuable than 1,000 neutral customers.
② Directly ask customers


▷ Pay attention to Retention

   - Returned visits, how long it takes to return after using the service, or how often customers use it

5. Growth Hacking

: Determine whether customers are looking for us (KPI), and repeat the application/experiment of ideas that change products (services) and marketing to see if KPIs grow with data

∙ A field that simultaneously handles product (service) improvement, marketing, and data (engineering)
∙ Reduce communication costs by gathering the minimum number of people in charge when creating a product, and recover speed to achieve rapid growth
     - Improving products/services 
     - The goal is to grow the service throughout the entire process from user acquisition to monetization
     - Hypothesis verification and analysis based on data

6. North Star Metric

: A number that measures an organization's goals, direction, and success
Accurately grasp the current situation of the company, just as you can see the direction and location of a sailing ship while looking at the ‘North Star’
∙ Find leading indicators (Input Metrics) that affect the North Star Metrix and improve leading indicators
     ex) The North Star Metrix of Spotify = total time users spend listening to music
OMTM (One Metric That Matters)
: One of the most important indicators

7. Software Development

① Waterfall Software Development

 The process of sequentially developing design and development based on a set of processes that allow users to operate and use 'function' 
 A one-way project development methodology that requires the first stage to be organized like a waterfall to move on to the next stage

 Service planning STEP
   1) Main service concept confirmed

   2) Feature List

   3) Required Function Brainstorming

   4) Organize the data/policy required to implement features

   5) Organize processes by user

   6) Creating an information structure

   7) Wireframe / Screen Design or Storyboard

   8) UI Design

   9) Requirements Specification

② Agile Software Development

∙ A fast, repeatable, flexible and creative way to develop

Waterfall vs Agile 

  Waterfall Software Development Agile Software Development
Pros • Clear step-by-step accountability/progress confirmation
• Project personnel have clear output criteria
• Step-by-step output documentation clear 
→ easy to manage
• Out-of-the-box and easy to work with
• Documentation Time ↓
• Quickly adapt to changing plans
• Developers and designers have greater freedom
→ Flexible and creative results ↑
Cons • Takes a very long time to revert if the planning/design
goes wrong during the previous step.
• Easy to miss out on areas not specified in the
documentation in the previous step, and has a wide range of impact when changing plans
 • Difficult to know the shape of the output before the
test period
• Difficult to manage progress and levels
• Lack of understanding of Agile obscures R&R
• Increases communication time


[Part 2] Understanding the Market And Customers

1. Constantly understand if our business is really what the market and the customers need

2. Reading Trends

 Gartner announces expected growth graphs for technology every year -> IT Professionals must read them



Gartner Releases First Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies in Finance

#GartnerFinance releases 1st #HypeCycle for emerging technologies in #finance. Read the press release here. #CFO


3. Digital Transformation

Growth of Cloud Usage -> the age of Collaborative, Simultaneous, Collaborative Work
ex) subscription service of Hancom Office programs due to changes from On-Premise to Cloud-based
 Software As a Service (SAAS)
   - Subscription model: From short-term purchases to regular subscriptions
    ex) Movie theaters -> OTT / Music -> Melon / Bookstores -> Millie's study




▶ Korean Version:



#2 IT 서비스를 잘 기획하고 만들려면? // 린 스타트업, MVP, PMF, AARRR, 그로스 해킹, 북극성지표, 애

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