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#5 PM Research // IDI Design, UT, Persona, Customer Journey Map

by 'here' 2023. 6. 30.

Today is our second time studying research.
We will try to design IDI, and learn about UT, Persona, and Customer Journey Map.
If you become a PM, these are the tasks you must do so it is important to actually practice.

1. IDI Design

· Order: Problem -> My hypothesis -> Split Why -> Split Why again -> Analysis

· ex) Kakao Taxi Blue 

   1) Instruction: Greetings, self-introduction, interview information
   2) Basic questions: Interviewee's age/what they do, under what circumstances they use a taxi, how they call a taxi
   3) Recent experience using Kakao Blue: Questions about the last experience using the service
   4) Circumstances when searching for Kakao Blue: Under what circumstances did they use the service, who and where they were going to meet, did they try to call a Kakao regular taxi (+why)
   5) Boarding experience survey (waiting): Call process, interval time, expected call time, whether other apps were used at the same time (+why)
   6) Boarding experience survey (after boarding): interior condition of the car, differences from regular taxis, price
   7) Additional on-going questions afterwards

2. UT(Usability Test)

· UT is
    - Capable of: cognition, understanding and anticipation
    - Not Capable of: future usage, impact
· The order of UT
    - Set goals: identify the reason for testing, the features and areas that need testing
    - Creating Tasks: Creating Customer Jobs for users that fit the goals, Task types
    - Record: Task and Funnel importance

3. Persona (Customer Modeling)

: A fictional character set up for the type of target audience who are most likely to use our products
· Reasons of drawing persona
     - PM have an obligation to ensure their services in this era of excessive public money.
     - This is an era of overproduction, so you have to give customers what they want in oder to succeed
     - Target segmentation is required to find people who will use our services
     - Service positioning / new service launch
     - Differentiation in the existing market

4. Customer Journey Map (CJM)

: A map that visualizes the customer's journey across all touchpoints related to your brand's services or products.
    - Order of product use, action or event, touch point, emotion/thought, planning area, TO-DO
· Reasons why CJM is needed
    - To know what to expect when interacting with a brand
    - To know which customers can find us, when and why
    - Understand your potential audience, make sure they match the audience you want
· Example of a Customer Journey Map


▶ Korean Version:



#4 리서치 방법 +시장조사 실습 // 통계분석, DART, 설문조사, 오픈서베이

사업을 위해 무언가를 하는 것에는 무조건 사전 리서치가 필수적이다. before뿐 아니라 during과 after에도 리서치는 중요하다. 오늘은 PM의 역량 중 꼭 필요한 리서치 능력을 키워보도록 하자. 파트1
